Expository Essay ~ The Advantages and Disadvantages of Immortality

Greek gods, smiting mortals with reckless, everlasting power, reaping the benefits of living forever. Whether a mythical god or a substitute teacher, living a long life is top priority for many, humanity in general strives for longer lives. Though there are both advantages and disadvantages of practical immortality, like the ability to educate the newer generations and the death of loved ones.

Eventually, everyone must think of the next generation of wibbly-wobbly-touch-everything babies and children to come, making us wonder how they will grow and the type of world they will live in. Living for a long period of time would allow one to watch over newer generations as they grow and change, elders the chance to educate “them youngsters” on proper ways of doing things as well as ensuring history doesn’t repeat itself through younger souls. For Example, the world’s oldest person, Jeralean Talley at 115 years of age watches over her great-great-great grandchildren with the longevity of a woman half her age. Keeping her family on their tippy-toes, one does not simply live through two wars,famine,and death without a strong head on her shoulders. Educating her descendants of their heritage seems to be of utmost importance to Jeralean by keeping their morals straight through love,discipline,and hardships. Likewise, one could also assume with older and older people around, younger people could learn lost skills like weaving, sewing, and wood Windling. These skills may seem pointless but with the right teacher, possibilities are endless.

Death is a part of everyday life, but those with longer life spans would be typically forced to undergo much more from the pain and death of those they love. For Example, Pittacus James who lived to be 103 years old, was forced to bury his son, who died in a head-on collision at 43 years old. Pittacus later entered a nursing home, unable to stand life without his son. Though nothing compares to the death of a child, others are also best friends,parents,spouses as well as the burning regret,angry desire, and dark remorse that comes with it. In addition, Kings of ancient Greece once worshiped long, prosperous, fulfilled lives, To the extent that they actually had the ones they loved sacrificed to Hebe, the goddess of youth, in an attempt to stay young. No one by far would go to such measures to stay young today with new-fangled-age-disappearing-elixirs and age-forget-me-not-creams.

In conclusion, Indeed Greek gods with the immortal tinge and humans with our longer lives have instilled a better sense of humanity through our elderly. Long life does have it’s pro’s and con’s, like the ability to teach younger generations and the loss of loved ones, through loss and education seem pressing we as humans have those rights.

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